Sunday, December 9, 2012

Nobody Fun Goes To Heaven

            Around this time of the year everyone become super charitable, and for a month or so everyone suddenly decides to perform random acts of kindness for strangers. Sometimes I feel like this is almost cheating- everyone knows you just want to be on the nice list. If you actually are a do-gooder, props to you. Just keep in mind that nobody fun goes to heaven, and that you should probably balance out your saintly acts with some minor crimes or something. Honestly, I don’t understand what’s so wrong with being on the naughty list anyways. In fact, coal is actually a really useful thing to have around! When the power goes out and there’s nothing to feed the fire with, who is everyone going to turn to for help? The badass naughty-list people with coal obviously!
But for all you naughty-listers who aren’t afraid of power outages, here are some nice things you can do for people this Christmas. You’re welcome. And feel free to thank me from heaven… I like diamonds, puppies, and male models. Surprise me.
1. Bring balloons for sick kids in the hospital
2. Tape popcorn to the Redbox for someone’s movie night
3. Pay for the coffee of the person behind you at Starbucks
4. Give the postman or garbage man a Christmas present
5. Send cookies to the fire/police department
6. Leave the change in a vending machine for someone else to find
7. Leave a good book with a “Read This!” note in a coffeehouse
8. Visit someone in a nursing home who doesn’t get visitors
9. Mail someone something anonymously
10. Put exact change in an envelope and tape it to a vending machine
11. Send a stranger a free pizza
12. Leave nice notes for random strangers on their windshields
13. Donate blood
14. Write a letter to someone who has impacted you life for the better
15. Mail a Christmas card to soldiers
16. Leave brownies on a neighbor’s doorsteps anonymously
17. Give a holiday card to people who have to work on Christmas Day
18. Leave your waitress a nice note with the tip
19. Leave a $5 gift card for a stranger in a public place
20. Give bubble wrap to people who look stressed
21. Compliment a manager on a helpful employee
22. Let someone go in front of you in a long line
23. Sit with someone who is eating alone
24. Anonymously send a dessert to a family’s table in a restaurant
25. Bring games to play with seniors in a nursing home

WordCount: 428

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