Sunday, December 16, 2012

Personal Experience

Dear 13-year-old self,

            Hey it’s me, your older self. I thought I’d write you a nice little letter to give you some rules about teenage life that I think would’ve helped me if I’d had it when I was 13. Kay, so here goes.
            First off, congratulations on being a teenager! You must think you’re just the hottest shit around. Rule #1: stop thinking that. Right now. Nothing is less cool than someone who thinks they’re cool. Also, please get rid of all of your Aéropostale clothing right now. Rule #2: Never, ever, wear anything Aéropostale ever again. Just take a garbage bag, stuff the terrible clothing inside, and bury the whole damn thing under a tree or something. Ugh.
            Sorry, is this too hard for you mini-me? Suck it up. Rule #3: Never, ever, try pretzel M&Ms. They’re delicious and way too addicting, and are going to become your weakness if you try them even once. We just don’t need the extra calories, you know? So stay away from them, and we’ll be fine. Rule #4: Try to become extremely interested in history. You’re going to have to take more history classes in high school than you want, and if you don’t develop a liking to them early, reading chapters of useless shit you don’t care about at all is going to be mentally exhausting. Take it from someone who knows.
 If you haven’t found out already mini-me, you love burning candles. But you’re also not very smart about putting them out. Rule #5: Blow out your candles when you leave the room. I know it sounds like common sense, but common sense isn’t very common, and this is worth mentioning. If you don’t follow this advice carefully, you’re going to end up with a lot of messiness. And let me tell you, wax is really hard to get out of a carpet… not that I have personal experience or anything.
            I think I’m supposed to throw something really meaningful in here about how boys are assholes and not to do drugs or whatever. But I don’t want to insult your intelligence, and I know you’re smart, mini-me. So that brings us to Rule #6: It’s better to apologize than to ask permission. You have NO IDEA how many things you’re going to be missing out on if you ask mom and dad before you do them. Seriously, just take every opportunity, do what you can, and say sorry later. And if you get caught or get in trouble, remember that it’s easier to get dad on your side than mom, and there’s nothing dad likes more than peanut butter cookies. Just a hint.
            So have a great life, mini-me, and don’t worry too much about the way you look. As soon as your braces come off and you get contacts, you’re gonna be a knockout. I have personal experience.

Love always,
Your 16-year-old self
WordCount: 486

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha this made me laugh so hard! It's so true! Really good job writing this.
