Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Word From Your Local Grinch

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. The time when the sound of carols fill the air and the frosty air smells like evergreens and too-sweet hot cocoa. The time when stores are packed with frugal parents trying to find the perfect discounted gifts for their ungrateful little twerps, and desperate girls run around holding mistletoe above their heads, puckering up their chapped lips at any poor soul who happens to pass by. The most wonderful, beautiful, time of the year when everyone is merry and bright, and people magically start to remember what the Salvation Army is again. Its Christmas time again, dammit.
            It’s always so interesting to see the pre-Christmas madness that always ends up happening starting in December. Suddenly, Goodwill becomes the new clothing hot-spot, specializing in the ugliest of the ugly Christmas sweaters. Personally, I never understood this tradition- ugly sweaters around Christmastime? Why? The Virgin Mary never wore any goddamn ugly sweaters. The three wise men never wore ugly sweaters. Nobody involved with the birth of baby Jesus wore ugly sweaters! It’s simply a tradition that us Americans made up, just for the hell of it. On the bright side, all of the ugly sweater-wearing probably makes hobos and elderly grandparents feel like they fit in for once. All in the spirit of Christmas, of course.
            Another Christmas tradition I’ve never really comprehended is mistletoe. Obviously being kissed under mistletoe is adorable and romantic and cute and blah blah blah. But when you think about it, what does it have to do with Christmas? Absolutely nothing. No fucking thing. And why mistletoe? Why not poison ivy? It’s pretty much the same thing, they’re both plants. Besides, kissing under poison ivy would be more effective and have greater symbolism anyway. “You see kids? Kissing might be fun, but the after-effects are itchy. And painful. Love is painful.”
            The next Christmas belief on my “Things I Don’t Understand List” is elves. Little people. With pointy ears. Making toys for an old, fat, man in a red suit. I don’t really know what to say about that… Just why? But really. Why. I’m sorry, I sound Grinch-y. I don’t mean to be a Grinch, really. I just feel like some Christmas related activities are extremely hyped-up. And by hyped-up I mean overrated. And by overrated I mean nobody-really-cares-about-your-Juicy-Couture-Christmas-morning-pajamas. Or the fact that you got every single damn thing on your mile-long Christmas list. In fact, you and your pajamas and million dollars worth of presents can all just leave and go somewhere cold and depressing. Maybe you should go find out if elves are real. Or something.
WordCount: 440

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