Sunday, October 7, 2012

Look At The Sky

Why are people always in a hurry? Twenty minutes ago, I was (very slowly, mind you) pulling out of my driveway, when out of nowhere comes a driver in a black sedan, speeding down the road, honking angrily and making mean faces. Now, in all fairness, maybe it was a dire emergency. Maybe his wife was in labor, or his son had just broken his femur. Maybe Panchero’s was having a $1 burrito sale. But probably not the last one, because I would know about it. Anyways, watching this rushed middle-aged man doing 60 mph in a residential area made me realize: everyone nowadays is perpetually in a frantic hurry.

I feel that it is my duty as everyone’s role model to calm the world down. Let’s do an exercise. Imagine that you are a sponge full of water. The water inside you is slowly, slowly, leaving your body. You are completely relaxed. Now, close your eyes. If you are still reading this you are not relaxing. Dammit, stop reading! Okay, there you go. Much better. The water has now totally left your body, and you are now fully undisturbed. Great! Now open your eyes and go live your life in peace.
Just kidding. You probably couldn’t tell, but I’m not a psychologist or anything. I try to be, though. In all seriousness though, I think it’s really important to slow down sometimes and really take life for what it’s worth. If you zoom on by (literally- shout out to you sedan man) you’ll never realize everything you’re missing out on. For example, how many of you, while you are rushing off to wherever you need to be that’s so urgent, take a moment to look at the sky? Nobody? Well, then take a moment and look upwards! Seriously though, I’m sure there’s a window nearby- look at the damn sky. Have you ever noticed how pretty the sun and clouds can be? Most likely you haven’t, because your life is so important that you miss out on all the other details. Everything is all about you, you, you. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s really not. It’s about ME. So seriously, look at the sky.
PYSCH. I got you all. Secretly, I have a contract with a major glasses company whose name cannot be disclosed. They’re paying me big bucks to ruin your corneas. Fortunately, the sun is on my side, and you’re all super gullible. And here you all (my dedicated fans) thought I was getting deep and spiritual for once. Wrong. Very wrong.
WordCount: 425

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