Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Is Your Liver Calling

Hello Partiers,

            This is your liver calling. I know you’ve all been hearing from me a lot lately, and I understand that I can get a little annoying sometimes- after all, all you ever seem to want to do is party all the fucking time. However, I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder that your life expectancy is around 85 years, and most people like to remember that time clearly instead of walking around in an alcohol-induced haze.
            I don’t want to be that complaining bitch that everyone hates, but I just feel like I’ve been very overworked lately. It would be great if you could give me a break every now and then, and lay off the Miller Lite. I’ve pretty much forgotten what other fluids taste like. In addition, if it’s not asking too much, I would also appreciate it if you could maybe find ways to deal with your hangover that don’t involve the consumption of more goddamn alcohol. I’m more than a little tired of worrying that you’re about to kick the bucket every time you start kneeling in front of the porcelain toilet bowl gods. 
            I’m know I’m just a slab of tissue and muscle, but even I know that puking your guts out on a nightly basis probably isn’t good for your overall health and/or safety. As far as social status goes, I’m also not certain that your so-called “friends” are still going like you after they find out that you made out with every single one of their boyfriends that night you had too much Jack. You can blame it one the booze honey, but you still have to face the consequences.
            While we’re on the topic of consequences, I would also like to inquire about the toll that your vodka addition is taking on your grades- not to mention your wallet. You might be pretty enough now to have boys buying you drinks and nerds doing your homework, but what are you going to do when the scotch starts doing it’s job and you start looking like a worn-out, homeless, cat lady? It might be nice to have a back up plan. Just something to consider.
            Don’t worry too much about your life or anything. If all else fails, I hear that Dairy Queen is in desperate need of employees. Or, if you’re into the whole concept of irony, you could always become the spokesperson for the fight against teen drinking. You have tons of personal experience.

You Most Important Organ
WordCount: 422

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