Sunday, September 9, 2012

College Football: Hoochy Mama Edition

Yesterday I went to the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game. The game itself was really fun (even though Iowa lost) but the activities associated with pre-gaming were not so attractive. First off, this was my first time going to a two o clock game- mostly my family and I just go to the 7 pm ones. Obviously there is a lot of tailgating and juvenile stupidity associated with all football games, but I honestly never would have thought that it would start so early in the day.
Since this was a college game, there's obviously some pretty reckless students that show up, deciding its a good idea to drink and smoke and show the world how hardcore they think they are. But then there's also the "oldies". The oldies are the women (and sometimes men) who think they are still living young. These are the hoochy mama wannabes that come to the games in their college-logo printed miniskirts and tight fitted tube tops thinking they look sexier than megan fox in a bikini. If you are a hoochy mama reading this I'm sorry but you need a reality check. Just stop. You are not hot shit. Leave your revealing-clothing-wearing antics back in your prime where they belong and go back to your knit sweaters and mom-jeans. I'm begging you. Society is begging you.
Now for the college badasses- don't think you're off the hook just because the hoochy mamas of the world were bashed first. Let me just start off by saying- you're not nearly as cool as you think you look. In fact, you look pretty damn idiotic downing six-packs of miller lite before noon. Hey blondie over there? Yeah you. You just flashed your hot pink thong at everyone and your boyfriend snapped a picture. I'm sure mommy back at home is going to be thrilled when she sees that on Facebook tomorrow. And you? Yes I'm talking to you. Please stop dancing. If the weird flailing movements you're creating can even be called "dancing". Your hands just bumped into blondie's best friend's chest (which in your defense is spilling everywhere... But still). Judging by the look on her face you are most likely going to wake up tomorrow with a black eye and a horrible reputation. Haha jokes on you booze-man.
Moral of the story: when at football games, please cover yourself in appropriate attire and watch your alcohol intake. Or don't and get judged by the rest of us college football fans. The ones that are sober enough to judge you anyways.
WordCount: 427

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