Saturday, April 20, 2013

Man Card Reinforcement

Alright guys, listen up. I know you all think you’re super masculine and macho and mega tough. I understand that you can eat an entire pizza in under two minutes and like lifting heavy iron at the gym. I've seen you walk around flexing in your skin-tight spandex shirts, regardless of whether or not there's anything there to flex. You're all brave and strong and big-I get that, really, I do. But really that doesn’t mean you can’t take a break from all of that damn testosterone every once in while. No one’s going to revoke your man card for just a few deviations from the norm.
         Case in point- watching chick flicks. Now granted, if you spend most of your time in front of the television watching Brides of Beverly Hills and still claim to be straight, you might want to reevaluate your life decisions. But every now and then its more than okay to kick back with some quality cupcakes and The Notebook. In fact, it's almost a requirement that each guy watch a certain number of chick flicks before he gets into any type of relationship with any type of girl.
         Another thing you're totally allowed to indulge in is bubble baths. Okay guys. Face it: you've either taken one, want to take one, or are taking one right now as you're reading these goddamn words. All you really want is to put on some classic jazz music and soak for hours and hours on end. Maybe you even want some Nicholas Sparks action. No shame! Technically, there's nothing that's really "feminine" at all about taking a bubble bath. You're just getting clean, maybe lighting a few gender-neutral candles, and relaxing. In piles and piles of deliciously scented bubbles. In my humble (and always accurate) opinion, it should be totally and completely socially acceptable for guys to do this, just like girls do.
         It's also totally and completely socially acceptable for guys to bake. Cakes, cookies, muffin baskets, custard, flan, panna cotta, crème brûlée, whatever your Y-chromosome carrying heart desires. And you should be able to frost your delicious creations and top them off with eighteen different types of sprinkles and strawberry fondant if you so choose. There is absolutely no shame in being a good baker. None at all. In fact, women will flock to your edible creations and pretty soon your tough macho masculine friends will be wondering how you get all dem bitches. Its not man card withdrawl- it's man card reinforcement.

WordCount: 425

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